Gaudi’s Palace in Astorga has launched, on December 5th, a temporary exhibition inspired on Christmas time. Bishop Juan Antonio Menéndez, Astorga-Zamora’s and General Vicars, Palace’s Director and a representation from City Hall were invited on opening act. Titled ‘NATUS EST’, will be shown till January 31st on 2019 at the Palace’s second floor.
The exhibition presents fifteen pieces of painting, sculpting and goldsmithing, from the Palace’s collection and several parishes that belong to Astorga’s Diocese. There are pieces such as Lagunas de Somoza’s parish cross dated from 16th Century which shows scenes of Mary’s Annunciation and Nativity; a goblet from Brimeda; a beautiful Nativity scene from Zacos, among others.
An exhibition of fifteen artistic jewels acommpanied by Gregorian chant.